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Often people have some assumptions about this or that group, and it's hard to tell whether such assumptions are based on facts, and even if they are, what are the causes. Here are some common ones for the world of Æthereal Sun.



Predictably, Wejít are perceived as good-hearted if perhaps naïve. Whether that's considered a good or bad thing will differ depending on who's talking.

Wejít men are seen as self-confident and ambitious, sometimes excessively so, while Wejít women as modest and inclined towards contributing to things behind the scenes. These inclinations used to be seen as laudable in the past centuries, but nowadays many Wejít express a distaste and even shame for them, try to subvert them etc. Those Wejít who disapprove of them typically believe they're results of social conditioning, not of innate differences in psychology. Unlike the Wejít, Nariyása don't care either way about Wejít's sexual stereotypes.


Conversely, Nariyása are seen as hardened and cynical (in the modern sense of the word). Wejít tend to see that as heartlessness or defeatism.

Nariyása women are considered likely to be good at all things financial, logistics and resource management, and general math, but not so good at all things diplomatic, political and military; in terms of personality, they're typically more assertive and straightforward than men. Nariyása men, conversely, are seen as masters of diplomacy, warfare and politics, but not so good at working with numbers, trade and formulae. As far as Nariyása are concerned, this is treated as a natural division of labour that is complementary rather than hierarchical, since on a scale larger than a village, success is impossible without both sides of the coin. (Wejít, on the other hand, see these differences as excessive even for the old times.) It's not quite clear whether the difference between sexes is a matter of more dimorphic neurology, or just cultural perpetuation, and there are studies that are leaning in either direction.


The Khæn are of course primarily thought of as pilots and mercenaries, even though even among pilgrims those are a minority as far as primary professions go. The less-knowledgeable assume that Khæn are angered easily, but after minimal observation or experimentation it's easy to find that they actually draw a very sharp line between jokes that pretend to badmouth the Khæn, and actual insults, between ironic mention of the violent knife-wielder stereotype and a genuine belief in it.

Among continentals, the Khæn are perceived as not quite worthy of the reputation of law-abiding citizens, since people have long noticed that the fanatical lawfulness seems to tone down upon leaving the islands. Still, most people seem to be willing enough to let Khæn walk around armed near them, and thus most jurisdictions make allowances for that even if they normally have stricter control ratings.

When it comes to personal life, the Khæn are known for being serial romantics, considered fun to date but incapable of sustaining a truly long-term relationship. And of course their leaning towards r-strategy means they can't be trusted with helping with parenting either, though since there are and have been zero known half-Khæn hybrids, this is irrelevant most of the time.


The Sírkin have a complicated reputation. They're highly desired employees in mathematical fields, but many people are also suspicious of them. Their presence seems to cause a spike in jealousy of people in stable relationships, perhaps due to the combination almost consistently good looks and the subtle reproduction mechanism. Also, people tend to assume they're always trying to stay neutral, avoiding participation politics and religions.


Nowadays Tebríthan are seen as more depressed and/or grim than other races, which is understandable given the uprooted state of these people. They don't have much more in the way of unifying cultural stereotypes because the original population of their planet was quite diverse, and the now-surviving fraction comes from all over the planet, retaining most of said diversity. If anything, it's seen as a bit odd that they managed to agree on a single language after the catastrophe.


Wejít cultures and states in general[]

These are generally seen as more wealthy, egalitarian, and less corrupt, but also more prone to getting stuck in red tape and to patting themselves on the back for any positive outcome, whether it was primarily a result of effort or circumstances.

Nariyása cultures and states in general[]

Conversely, these are seen by outsiders as more authoritarian and corrupt, but also pragmatic and inclined to just seek solutions to problems even if everything around seems to be crumbling. Opinions are divided on how much the slight delay in economical development (on average) is caused by a worse access to farmland and natural resources, and how much by people behaving like crabs in a bucket.

Gésh cultures[]

Among the Gésh, often the more strict versions get more spotlight in the global consciousness, skewing the perception of a varied group. It's common for cultural outsiders to refer to such stricter denominations as conservative, but that's actually incorrect, as the tightening of laws is a relatively recent thing, and is based on recent reinterpretations of the religion's teachings, not on the basics as taught by the Prophets.

Khæn culture[]

To outsiders, this culture seems largely inseparable from race, and so doesn't have separate stereotypes.

Justicariate / Infopost[]

The cities are rightfully seen metaphorical flourishing gardens built amidst the desert, but also have darker rumours about them, involving secret police, mass brainwashing and surveillance etc. The places are sometimes referred to as 'anthills' or 'hive cities' due to high population density and collectivist economy.

Still, the citizens aren't seen as faceless drones. As far as external observations go, a typical Justicarian is expected to be carefully optimistic, hard-working, well-educated, slightly ascetic when it comes to material goods, and more likely to be a bisexual than an outsider.

Also, people seem aware of higher Sírkin numbers within this culture, and part of the Sírkin reputation rubs off on them.

Tebríthan Survivor culture[]

To outsiders, this culture seems largely inseparable from race, and so doesn't have separate stereotypes.

Skyless culture[]

Until around JR85 / GR1545 / KR 50,334, this culture has been shrouded in mystery. It's not very well understood by outsiders even now. Members are seen as cheerful and congenial, but prone to suddenly getting disturbed or angry for unclear reasons under rare occasions. They seem indifferent to alcohol, but can act the role of a hard drinker if prompted, and smoke some really dense stuff in their pipes. They usually seem to be either very reluctant or very easygoing with intimate relationships, and seem to have trouble grasping some bits of outsider etiquette on the matter (also, some of their girls have been seen lugging motorbikes on their shoulders, so be careful!). Finally, people have finally noticed that that among the Skyless, there seem to be higher-than-usual numbers of both Sírkin and people with disfigurements or anatomical defects.

Action Films (by Culture)[]

Different cultures (and regions or groups of cultures) tend to have different clichés in their storytelling. Here are some examples of what a stereotypical action film is like depending on the primary demographic of where it's made and meant to be shown.

Northern Wejít[]

Idealistic and slightly ambitious farmboy moves to the big city. Runs into problems in a bad neighbourhood / with a cynical boss at work / etc. Meets a sweet and modest girl, eventually asks her out. Helps some homeless kid / bullied colleague / etc., finds some new friends. Runs into a series of action scenes against the main badguys of a film. Is on the verge of a loss. Gets saved at the last minute by the girlfriend and/or newfound friends and/or some former rivals he spared. Now together they defeat the villain. Hero spares villain, probably giving the villain to the authorities.

Southern Wejít[]

Young highly ambitious employee at some guild goes through a slice of life. Encounters clues of some sort of conspiracy, murder mystery etc. Has doubts about whether to pursue it or stay out of trouble (may have a significant other who is of the opposite opinion). Either events force the protagonist's hand (antagonists suspect they have a witness and want to leave nothing to chance), or the protagonist decides to take the initiative. After a series of further investigations, heists, combats etc. interspersed with scenes of social intrigue and doubts of the nature of right and wrong and of trustworthiness, protagonist manages to put the villain into a position where the authorities will intervene. Protagonist gets a commendation, a reward, and/or reconciles with the SO after the previous tension.

Nariyása (urban regions)[]

There are two protagonists. He is a slightly hotheaded mercenary, cop or other member of a 'violence-possible' profession. She's either a self-made and rising-star merchant/landlady/logistics officer, or a less-wealthy-but-still-wealthier-than-the-guy pilot or driver. If this is a war film, they serve in the same merc guild; if it's not, they meet accidentally after each of them had at least 15 minutes of introductory scenes separately. She asks him out for one reason or another. Then they get back to their separate problems and solve them for a few scenes; also the relationship develops some. Then they run into something that's a problem for both of them. Usually the problem is some sort of obstructive bureaucrat or the like. They try to brute-force their way through it, and reveal some sort of corrupt scheme. If it's a financial or material one (tax evasion, theft etc.), she exposes the culprit; if it's a non-financial judicial one (covered murder, information leak etc.), he exposes the culprit. Then some other well-meaning obstructive bureaucrat is in the way of justice. The duo does something shady to get around the bureaucrat, up to and including assassination. After that, there's about 50% chance that one of the protagonists will be killed or imprisoned as a consequences, and a 50% chance that they'll get off. It's a coinflip about who won't make it, and a coinflip about whether the duo getting away with their methods need to employ even more shady methods.

Nariyása (rural/steppe regions)[]

Mostly as above, but but there's a 25% chance that the guy can drive too and a 25% chance that the girl can shoot too. Also their families are much more involved in the slice of life stage, courting stage, and 50% chance that one of the family members is the antagonist and/or the family is involved in letting the protagonists avoid the fallout and get a happy ending.

Khænish Islands[]

Great Brown Hunter/Huntress arrives at the continent on a pilgrimage. Runs into some problems due to cultural differences but does what can be done to fit in. Still gets brushed the wrong way when running into some dishonesty or petty crime. Meets a member of the opposite sex who is kinda good-looking and remarkably more athletic than most other locals. Seems awkward for about a minute but turns out to be adept at all the romantic things. Likely stops a mugger or pickpocket barehanded or with a light weapon (e.g. the 'this is not a knife' scene from Crocodile Dundee). Gets called out at work for doing things the risky way, ends up succeeding with some sort of benefit that impresses the boss and lets it slide. Gets involved in whatever bad guy plot and eventually defeats them. Gets surprised by the fact that continentals often conflate romance and love, doesn't get it, moves on into the sunset.

Justicariate and Infopost[]

There's not much place for action-adventure at home, so the film is either about spies preventing the next war with a very fictional state, or about an ongoing war. There's about half focus on the field agents (the action) and about half on the rear-echelon logistics (where an inefficiency or mild corruption may or may not be negatively affecting the field agents). There's usually 3-6 protagonists of roughly equal power level, they may be of different ages and sexes, and any of them may or may not be having no-strings-attached flings in any sections of the film where they have opportunity and align in tastes and personality. Some may die in the process of field action. Whoever is left is commended for their service to their community.

Cultural difference of post-apocalypse films[]

The most common post-apoc genre/style/series-of-conventions is called 'Tebríthisation'. Something goes wrong, whether a natural disaster or a new superweapon used in anger. The world gets drier and irradiated, and usually loses some of its atmosphere or oxygen percentage. Plucky survivors scrounge through the world in search of pre-apocalypse artifacts that would help Make Things Right. They may encounter natural or unnatural obstacles, including people, along the way. If it's a Wejít film, expect the enemies to be well-meaning, or villainous-but-redeemable; if Nariyása, expect enemies to be either other survivors who are only opposing the protagonist because it's impossible to save everyone and resources are scarce, or because those are chaotic-evil persons who are finally free to do as they will. In the end, they use the technobabble-thingy and the environment gets better. In a Wejít film, most of the protagonists survived, in Nariyása they may have to give their lives to save the world. Then there's rain. In a Wejít film, everyone will take off their gas masks immediately, and nobody seems to worry about irradiation, acid, toxins etc. In Nariyása films, often the rain is a symbol of the coming changes that will require decades, centuries or even millenia to fully unfold.
