Æthereal Sun Wiki

The Nariyása Mercantile states are those where the power of clans and chiefteains, or the imperial magistrates, was eventually phased out and overthrown, and the Wejít-style guilds filled the power vacuum. Guildmasters wield out of proportion more power than the rest of the population, and jobs are regulated heavily by strict licensing policies. Mores are somewhat conservative. Sounds like the Wejít version? No, it isn't - the local interpretation of mercantile guilds is more ruthless than the original.


Numbers use a duodecimal system (base-12). Writing is right-to-left, top-down, often even with alphabets that originally were used left-to-right. The most common language is Vilrán, followed by Vilkrészt.

Typical government[]

The government is mostly represented by an oligarchy of guildmasters, and is slow to change. Becoming a guildmaster is mostly a matter of being a successful businessperson, and overcoming competition. Everybody else has very little say in policy-making. It is quite common for just a single guild to dominate a city.

Law & Order[]

The legal system is usually Common Law. Courts typically include a Committee (Jury), or a single Judge-Magistrate. Verdicts are called 'guilty' and 'not guilty'. A person may not represent oneself in court - hiring a licensed attourney is mandatory.

Copyrights, licenses and trademarks are strictly enforced. Gun ownership is a matter of having proper licenses, commonly restricted by the top guilds. Assault is a serious crime, but an unarmed, 'reciprocal' bar fight (or the like) is not considered an assault (it is a minor administrative misdemeanor). While initially censorship was in full force, it has soon been de facto discarded completely, even though old laws are on the books. Libel law is harsh, and often disregards whether a statement is true or not, as long as it negatively affects the public image of a powerful figure or group. The Castle Doctrine is held strong, to the point that killing a trespasser is almost never considered murder. Age of consent varies between 16-18 (human equivalent: 14-16). Alcohol and smoking are legal, but most recreational drugs are not . . . unless you have the approval of the proper guilds. Chewing gum is legal. Prostitution is de jure illegal, but this prohibition is rarely enforced. Abortion is legal.

A person may waive most protections and rights by signing appropriate forms and/or contracts.


Very large income gap between the richest and the poorest. Small business is harder to start than to maintain. Banking loans typically have fixed interest rates that do not depend on the financial success of the borrower. There is no minimum wage limit. Education and medicine are never free. Retirement pay is a matter of voluntarily setting up a retirement fund.


Families are nuclear, monogamous, typically with 1-3 children, but small remnants of former clans exist. Neighbours are usually acquaintances, not friends. Strong language is okay as long as you're not addressing a superior. Flaunting material wealth is acceptable and even encouraged; whether it is always safe is another matter. Public display of affection is considered improper by the elders, but others just don't care. Matters of romance and sexuality are somewhat covered by euphemisms in high society, but not otherwise; a straight approach can still result in a turn-down.


  • Everything sells, and everyone has a price.